Gary Miller Photo Services
Canton, OH.
As a photographer associated with glamour oriented photography I'm always seeking new models to photograph. Interested models may be novice or experienced, as your rate of compensation will be commensurate with your experience level. Shootings may be done in the studio or outdoors.
You should be able to do contemporary, lingerie, and swimsuit.
Nudes may be done, but only at your discretion, and you must be at least 18...
Personal character references available on request...NO Presidential aspirations here !
I also endeavor to aim new or aspiring models in the right direction without spending the big $$ to do so, based on 25+ years of dealing with models and agencies.
NEW Feature: Promoting local ( Ohio ) models...( updated : 28 September '98 )
Ohio models click HERE for $$$ opportunities
My "Private Collection"...
( you must be an adult )
Good info....

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